NG Advantage LLC is a US-based company that is majority-owned by Clean Energy Fuels (NASDAQ:CLNE) and that delivers the economic and environmental benefits of domestic natural gas with its fleet of mobile pipeline trailers.

Driven by the desire to equal the competitive playing field for Vermont manufacturers without access to pipeline natural gas, professional entrepreneurs, Tom and Mary Evslin founded NG Advantage in 2011. At the time of the Company’s inception, most Vermont industrial manufacturers did not have access to clean-burning natural gas and were consuming fuel oil, propane, and wood even though they produced significantly more CO2 and SO2 emissions.

As one of the first companies in the nation to make deliveries of trucked compressed natural gas (CNG), NG Advantage has transported more than 40 Bcf to customer sites. Today, the Company offers complete mobile pipeline solutions to also address supply constraint issues in the Northeast and bring RNG to market. 

Meet the leadership team Locations
Aerial Shot - NGA Trucks

Providing Natural Gas to Facilities Beyond The Pipeline

  • Manufacturers
  • Chemical Producers
  • Asphalt Plants
  • Pulp and Paper Mills
  • MUNIs and LDCs
  • Universities
  • Greenhouses
  • Power Generators
  • Regional Medical Centers
  • Food Processors

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